SC&RA 75th Anniversary

A nostalgic campaign celebrating the premier crane association’s 75th year.

SC&RA 75th Anniversary

The Challenge

As SC&RA—the crane, rigging, and heavy-haul industry’s premier international trade association—approached its 75th anniversary, it hired Thrive to develop a months-long marketing campaign designed to celebrate their enormous achievement while increasing registrations for the association’s annual conference.

Additionally, SC&RA wanted to increase open and read rates for email and increase dwell time on social media.


  • Research
  • Marketing Strategy
  • 360 Marketing
  • Visual Design
  • Copywriting
  • Content Design

The Solution

Thrive began with a round of qualitative interviews to understand what 75 years meant to members who had been involved in the association the longest. Using quotes and insights, we then began experimenting with various messaging frameworks to identify a headline that spoke to the association’s legacy as well as its future. The campaign’s visual design utilized black and white photography to speak to history while highlighting some of the industry’s youngest faces. The result was a multi-generational campaign that blended today’s rich association experience with yesterday’s formidable legacy.
